by David Arnott & Rich Hussey
Updated 6/14/23
As your WEF delegates, we strive to keep you up to date and provide resources and connection to WEF. Our update provides a recap and highlights of recent WEF events.
WEF Updates
After more than three years leading WEF, Walt Marlowe is stepping down as Executive Director. Walt led WEF during a particularly challenging and tumultuous time navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, emerging with membership intact and WEF in a strong financial position.
The WEF Board has selected Wm. Patrick (Pat) Nichols as WEF’s Interim Executive Director. Pat took over officially on June 1. He has worked with the Board, Walt Marlowe, and WEF’s Executive Team to ensure a smooth transition.
WEF’s Strategic Plan
All WEFs activities will be focused on its new strategic plan. Three main goals of the new WEF strategic plan include:
As part of WEF’s Strategic Plan, they have clarified their values. Below are the values that are the foundation to the plan.
2022/2023 HOD Workgroups
The 2022/2023 HOD workgroups are:
Rich Hussey is on the Water Advocacy at State/Local Level workgroup. This workgroup just participated in a large event held in Washington DC. The National Water Policy Fly-In was held in April with over 392 attendees with 43 States being represented. This also included 25 MAs from WEF and 11 young professional scholarship recipients. At the Congressional Reception, there were over 500 attendees.
The workgroup is primarily focusing on how to leverage federal output. We are coordinating efforts by providing feedback and connecting MAs to the WEF Government Affairs Committee. We are attempting to coordinate advocacy efforts with other organizations like AWWA and NACWA. The workgroup also conducted a recent survey to understand the needs that WEF should be advocating for. The results of this survey indicated the top five issues are PFAS, labor, funding, workforce development, operator reciprocity and certifications, and SSOs.
Dave Arnott sits on the HOD of the Future workgroup. In this workgroup, we are taking a fresh look at how to make the HOD relevant and vibrant to the MAs in the future. The focus areas are:
1) Structure and Function of the HOD
2) Delegate Participation
3) Planning for the Future
2023 WEFMAX Events
Dave and Rich attended each attended a WEFMAX event in the spring. These are events where MAs come together to share ideas and best practices.
Dave attended the April 12-14 WEFMAX in St. Louis, MI (hosted by Missouri WEA). The theme of this WEFMAX was “improving your MA through partnership and collaboration.” Joe Lapastora gave a talk at this event on the success of the CSWEA’s Midwest Regional Student Design Competition highlighting partnership and collaboration. Brainstorming sessions were held to generate answers to questions such as:
Rich attended the May 3-5 WEFMAX in Denver, CO (hosted by Rocky Mountain WEA). The theme of this WEFMAX was “improving MAs through member engagement and service.”
The various discussions of the meeting included the following:
The meeting also held a number of moderated panel discussions, including:
WEFMAX allows MAs to gain additional perspectives and successes and challenges from other MAs throughout the country. The meeting is comprised of various leaders from various backgrounds across our water/wastewater industry.
There was a WEFMAX on May 24-26 in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada (Hosted by Atlantic Canada W&WA). The theme for this event was “improving MAs through leadership innovation.” Neither Rich or Dave were able to attend this event.
There was a virtual WEFMAX on July 20, 2023. The theme for this event was “the best of the best.” This is where the most popular sessions from each of the three previous WEFMAX events were shared.
WEFTEC 2023 takes place in Chicago, IL from September 30-October 4. Housing and attendee registration is now open. Visit for more information.
As WEF Delegates, we are here to support you and represent the interests of the CSWEA to the House of Delegates and WEF. If something is on your mind, please feel free to call or email David at or Rich at We are here to serve you/CSWEA and be a liaison to WEF leadership.
To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.