ANNUAL MEETING Papers & Presentations


92nd Annual Meeting Papers

91st Annual Meeting Papers

90th Annual Meeting Papers

89th Annual Meeting Papers

88th Annual Meeting Papers

86th Annual Meeting Papers

85th Annual Meeting Papers




2018 Education Seminar Papers & Proceedings

2017 Education Seminar Papers & Proceedings

2016 Education Seminar


Flexibility and Adaptability are the Essential Elements of the Water and Resource Recovery Facility of the Future .
Maximizing Microorganism-Based Energy Resources from Used Water.
Should Anaerobic Treatment Replace Activated Sludge.
Why do we Strive to be a Utility of the Future.
Engaging the Organization and Region in the Transformation to Utility of the Future.
How Do We Use the Water We Produce.
Recovering the Lost P in Used Water.
Energy Sustainability.


The Leading Edge of Phosphorus Recovery: A Brushite Recovery Pilot.



2015 Education Seminar

Nutrient Removal and Activated Sludge from BPR to Anammox – James Barnard.
National Nutrient Regulatory Perspectives – David Clark.
Nutrient Water Quality Standards in Illinois – Bob Mosher.
Minnesota’s Eutrophica1on Story – Katrina Kessler.
Update – Wisconsin’s “Statewide” Variance Analysis – Amanda Minks.
One Sentral States Sludge Shoveler’s Short, Sad Soliloquy – Rick Manner.
Fermentation Technology to Improve Biological Phosphorus Removal – James Barnard.
Opportunities and Challenges of Struvite Harvesting – Alan Grooms.
From High-Rate Treatment Wetlands, Low to No Energy Nitrification and Deammonification: Lessons Learned – David Austin.
Evaluating the Options for Phosphorus Compliance – Jane Carlson.


19th Annual Central States Education Seminar on Sustainability.


Seminar Proceedings.



Activated Sludge Troubleshooting Workshop – MWIE 2014 –


Activated sludge settling problem resolved.
Activated Sludge Workshop.
Drought Settling Concerns.
Emerging Diagnostics – A Sneak Peak at How.
Floc Formation Jeff Mac MWIE Feb 2014.
Use of ATP to identify poor-performing filters.




2013 Education Seminar Presenations.



2012 Digester Foam Workshop Presentations


Two-Point Titration Method For Alkalinity Determination.
Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Foam Studies Update.
Prabhushankar Chandrasekeran, P.E..
Determination of Alkalinity by Titration (Short Method).
Measuring anaerobic sludge digestion and growth by a simple alkalimetric titration.
Full Scale Case Studies.
Anaerobic Digester Foaming – Prevention and Control Study Update.



17th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings.


16th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings


The Future of Activated Sludge.
At the Confluence of Nutrients, Pharmaceuticals and Sustainability: Emerging Issues in Managing Wastewater.
Key Elements and Bottlenecks of the Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Process for Advanced Wastewater Treatment.
Operating Tools and Measurement Techniques for Troubleshooting Activated Sludge Systems.
IFAS – A Broomfield, Colorado Success Story with Lessons Learned.
Energy Savings through Improved Aeration Efficiency.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Aeration Control Systems for BNR Plants.
Effluent Reuse: Putting the Pieces Together.
A Case for Keeping High-Rate Auxiliary Treatment Facilities in the Secondary Treatment Picture.


2011 CSWEA Digester Foaming Workshop

Anaerobic Digester Foaming Workshop
Case Studies – Rusty Schroedel.
Case Studies – Bill Marten.
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Foam Experience.
WLSSD Digester Foaming experiences.


MN Section SJWP Winning Paper

Engineering a rain garden to control road run-off in Scanlon Creek and an assessment of rain gardens as the best storm water management practice-Phase IV.


Digester Foam Workshop Presentations. April 21, 2010

Bench-scale Study of Anaerobic Digester Foaming.
Anaerobic Digester Foaming – Past, Present, and Future.
Survey Results.


WI Section SJWP Winning Paper. March 27, 2010

The effects of different genera of algae on the phosphorus excretion and oxygen depletion of Quagga Mussels (Dreissena Bugensis).


2010 winning Student Paper

Optimization of phosphorus and magnesium release from waste activated sludge.


2010 Radebaugh Award Winning Paper

Caution-Advanced Digestion Processes.


15th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings. April 6, 2010

Managing Biosolids in our Energy Conscious Era.


2009, November 30th Digester Foaming Committee Conference Call

Supplemental Notes.


2009, November 9th Digester Foaming Committee Conference Call



14th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings. April 7, 2009

Nutrient Removal: Understanding the Issues…Achieving Sustainable Solutions.


Digester Foaming Committee Meeting Notes 2.1.2009.


13th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings. April 01, 2008

Activated Sludge- It’s About Efficiency and Optimization.


12th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings

Research and Reality: Current Issues in Solids Processing.



11th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings

Optimizing Biological Nitrogen Removal Processes.

Control of Struvite Deposition in Wastewater Treatment Plants.  

Nitrification Options for Small Communities Using “Appropriate Technology.”  
Restored Wetlands as Nutrient Farms.
Sidestream Treatment for Nitrogen Removal.
Evaluation of Alternative Technologies for Upgrading Wastewater Treatment Plants in Minnesota for New Phosphorus Limits.
Low D.O. Operation: Effects on Biological Phosphorus Removal, Oxygen Transfer Efficiency, Denitrification, and Energy Savings.
The Coastal ‘Dead Zone’: Nutrients, Hurricanes, & Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia.
Effects of Biological Phosphorus Removal on Plant Operations and Capacity at the Nine Springs WWTP.
(2005 Radebaugh Award Winner)



2005 US Stockholm Junior Water Prize Finalist’s Paper

The Use of Barley Straw to Control Algal and Macrophyte Growth on Wild Rice Lake Pre and Post-eutrophic Conditions.

This five-year-study, which has extensively investigated the effect of barley straw on algae, was taken into the field for the second time in Wild Rice Lake a shallow, 2100-acre lake north of Duluth, Minnesota.

June 1, 2005 – Elizabeth Welsh, Minnesota.


2005 Winning Student Paper

Bioremediation of Groundwater Contaminated With Agricultural Chemicals.

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a biofilter for reducing, and maybe even eliminating contaminants in groundwater.

May 22, 2005 – Paul Davidson


10th Annual Education Seminar Proceedings

Extreme Activated Sludge: What’s out there now?
Escherichia v. Fecal Coli White Paper.

Escherichia coli and Fecal Coliform Populations in Disinfected Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Recommendations to DNR for a Monthly Geometric Mean Escherichia coli Limitation.

December 1, 2004

Implementation and Operation of Illinois’ First Nitrifying Biological Aerated Filter.
(2004 Radebaugh Award Winner)


2004 Winning Student Paper

Beneficial Use of Biosolids: Total Nitrogen Removal in a Completely Mixed Membrane Biofilm Reactor for Nitrification and Denitrification.
Jennifer Cowman
Word Version
Beneficial Use of Biosolids: Strategies for Success and Acceptance
(Presented at the 2004 Central States WEA Education Seminar)
A Constant SRT Calculated From Liquid Flows Improves BNR Activated Sludge Performance(2002 Radebaugh Award Winner)

Mission Statement

To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.

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