Award Description

These awards are granted through the Water Environment Federation (WEF). CSWEA will make the application on behalf of candidates from the association.


Philip F. Morgan Medal

Recognizes valuable contributions to the in-plant study and solution of an operational problem. The award is given in two categories: (1) plants serving more than 5,000 people, and (2) plants serving more than 5,000 people. Nominations must demonstrate originality, significance, comprehensiveness and, most importantly, the verification of an idea. The solution should involve the use of innovative technological methods, be generally applicable and increase plant efficiency. Publication of a paper is not required, but supporting evidence must accompany nomination.


Thomas R. Camp Medal

Nominations must demonstrate a unique application of basic research or fundamental principles through the design or development of a wastewater collection or treatment system.


Collection System Award

Documentation of the contribution to the advancement of the state of the art in wastewater collection through management, overall planning, operation and maintenance, facility design, education, training or research. Publication in a WEF publication is not mandatory, but is desirable.


For Information, Contact:

Amy Haque
Phone: 855-692-7932

Mission Statement

To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.

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