Session A – Leadership

“Working with All Types of People in Teams”
Linda Kelly


Session B – Energy, Controls, Aeration

“Holistic Aeration and Chemical Optimization Saves big Money from 1 MGD to 600 MGD”
Trevor Ghylin, P.E. PhD.
“Big Ideas/Big Results – The Eau Claire WWTP Upgrade Story (SDo Far)”
Steve Hayden, Bill Marten, Tom Crouse
“Energy Efficiency Projects for Aeration Systems”
James Kerrigan, P.E., Ryan Christopher, P.E., Beth Vogt.


Session C – P, Nutrients

“Managing Nutrients in the Fox River – How Low Will We Have to Go?”
Beth Vogt, Jack Russell, James Kerrigan, Steve Arant, Ed Kobylinsky & James Barnard.
“Benefits of Integrated Evaluation of Phosphorous Compliance Alternatives”
Brent A. Brown, P.E., Bill Desing.
“Illinois’ Nutrient Reduction Loss Strategy – It’s Out. Now Where Are We Headed?”
Rick Manner


Session D – Ops Digestion

“Waste Not, Want Not: Maximizing High Strength Waste Addition”
Eric Lynne, P.E., Chris Lefebvre
“The Potential for Ferric Chloride Addition to Exacerbate Digester Foaming at the Nine Springs WWTP”
Steve Reusser
“Full Scale Digester Mixing Performance – Nozzle, Linear Motion, or NONE.”
Kevin Janowski, Bill Farmer, Dennis Dineen, Eric Lynne, Todd Schwingle, Khris Radke.


Session E – Ethics

“Ethics and Accountability at Work
Peter Burchard


Session F – P, Digestion

“Initial Startup Experiences with Struvite Harvesting”
Alan Grooms
“Phosphorus Recovery at the Stickney WRP”
Dave Koch, Mwende Lefler, Ahren Britton.
“Recycled Phosphorous: Contaminant of Emerging Concern?”
Emma Larson, Scott Schaefer
“AirPrex™: Biosolids Treatment Optimization and Phosphorus Removal by MAP Crystallization for BPR plants”
Gerhard Forstner.
“Phosphate Fertilizer Recovery From Anaerobic Acid Digesters In Sewage Treatment Plants: From Batch Process to Continuois Pilot”
Menachem Tabanpour, P.I. & Mauricio Avila, PhD., Phillip Barak.


Session G – Nutrients

“Evaluating the Options for Phosphorous Compliance Part II”
Jane M. Carlson, P.E., Jeremy Cramer
“Intensified Treatment Wetlands: Emerging Green Technology for Nitrogen Removal”
Rafael Vazquez-Burney, P.E., David Austin, Jamie Hughes, Kenneth J. Williamson, John Drummer.
“Nutrient Recovery of Wastewater Nitrogen by Electrodialysis”
Phillip Barak, PhD. & Christy Davidson.
“Why Your Wastewater’s “Personality” Matters”
Andrew Dow
“DEMON® Installations are Bringing Nutrient Removal in the US to a new level”
Andrea Nifong


Session H – Ops Management

“Preparing for Climate Change – An Approach for Utilities”
David Bennett, Debra Jensen, Michael Schwar, David Perry, Julie McMullin.
“Smart Biomass Control Saves Energy while Maintaining Treatment Objectives”
Sara Elger, P.E.
“Sustainable Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Planning and Design Using Envision”
Catharine Richardson, John Lenti, Daniel Solimando, Robert D’Aittile.
“Permit Compliance Using a Site Specific Approach”
James E. Kleinschmidt, P.E.
“Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan”
Jon H. Lindert, P.E., Jane M. Carlson.


Session I – Energy / Student Design

“The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Plan to Achieve 100 Percent Renewable Energy”
Karen Sands, Steve Graziano, Bill Desing.
“An Innovative Energy Saving Approach to Treat Primary Influent Using Cloth Media Filtration Technology”
Jia (Jack) Ma, PhD, P.E.
“CSWEA global Water Stewardship”
David Arnott, Amanda Heller, Eric Lynne.


“Student Design Costa Rica Wastewater Management: Piedras Blancas Collection and Treatment”
Devin Peterson, Curtis Veit, Dylan Friss.


Session J – Collection, Technology

“Modernizing your Sewer Flow Monitoring Technology”
Chris Skehan
“Quantifying Inflow and Infiltration via Dyed Water Flooding”
Anna Kesler & Catherine Morley, P.E.
“Case Study: North Side Interceptor Route Study”
Matt Streicher, P.E., Shane Firsching.
“Maximizing Your Budget Impact”
Jeff Frey, P.E., Joel Wilson, Patrick Henthron, Gary Gilot.


Session K – Digestion, Energy

“Methods For Evaluation Co-substrates in Anaerobic Digestion”
Laura Haak, Ratul Roy, Dr. Krishna Pagilla.
“Fats, Oils, and Grease: Nuisance to Opportunity for Sioux Falls”
Patti Craddock, P.E.
“Codigestion Evaluation and Implementation”
Randall A. Wirtz, PhD. P.E.
“Converting Biogas into Energy and Vehicle Fuel”
Tony Schilling


Session L – Ops / Phosphorus

“Wastewater Microbiology Problems & Solutions”
Ryan Hennessy
“Phosphorus Removal”
Troy A. Larson, Jeremy S. Bril, Rachel Lee.
“Wisconsin Case Studies: Using Rare Earth Chloride to Reduce Phosphorus to Ultra-Low Limits.”
Joseph Carlston
“Filtration Case Studies to Meet Modern Effluent Limits”
Dustin Mass, John Friel, Susan Danzl.


Session M – Digestion

“Improved Biosolids Stabilization Utilizing Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion”
Amy R. Underwood, P.E., Chris Morphey, Joel Ilseman, Mark Halm.
“PH Control with CO2 for Struvite Control in Anaerobic Digestion”
Randall B. Marx, Soujanya Jampala.

“Benefits of Collaborative Research”
Daniel Zitomer, PhD, P.E., Patrick McNamara, PhD.
“Silo Digester Design”
Al Bush, P.E., Bill Angoli, P.E.


Session N – Phosphorus

“Factors Influencing Densities in Enhanced Biological Wastewater Treatment”
Lin Li, PhD., Dr. Krishna Pagilla.
“Nutrient Recovery as a Phosphorus Compliance Tool”
Bill Desing, Steve Graziano, Bill Angoli, Bruce Bartel, Nathan Qualls, Pat Wescott.
“The Phosphorus Journey: One Plant’s Story”
Dave Arnott, Dave Piquett.
“A Greenhouse Study Comparing Brushite and Struvite”
Tyler Anderson, Christy Davidson, Phillip Barak.


Session O – Wet Weather

“A Consent Decree, a Partnership, and a Flood.”
Dianne Mathews & Dan Davis & Eric Shaffer.
“Ilinois Phosphorus Compliance Case Studies.”
Nathan Cassity, Kendra Sveum
“Evaluation of Wet Weather Auxiliary Treatment Alternatives to Increase Plant Capacity”
Don Esping, Bill Krill, Tim Bate, Steve Arant.

“Low Cost Improvements to Maximize Wet Weather Capacity”
Steve Robers, Jon Shamla, Mark Unger, Bill Marten, Ed Nevers, Eric Lynne.


Session P – Ops Energy and Management

“Water/Wastewater Workflow Technology for Improved Plant Operations”
Tim Foerster & Chris Sosnowski.

“Jones Island Power Load Profiling”
Sid Arora, P.E..
“Increased Capacity, Sustainability, Efficiency, Reliability and Automated Control from Value Engineering of a Standard Pump Replacement Job”
james R. Dickson, P.E., Scott Kroeger, P.E., Cary Solberg, P.E., Ben Beaird, Harry Farchmin, P.E..

“Achieving Energy Saving & More With Variable Frequency Drives”
Bob Pausch & Doug B. Smith.


Mission Statement

To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.

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