Minnesota R2E Nutrient Harvesting Information and Examples

NR2 (Nutrient Recovery & Reuse) Project
St. Cloud, Minnesota
St. Cloud Resource Recovery Facility
Design Capacity: 17.9-MGD



The project consists of the installation of renewable energy storage facilities, replacement of ancillary energy recovery equipment, installation of equipment to reduce the volume of solids handling and recycling by 70% and nutrient recovery.  The nutrient recovery component consists of installing the equipment in order to continue to produce and recycle a highly valuable, nutrient rich soil amendment for area landowners and farmers. The second nutrient recovery component consists of the installation of equipment to produce a fertilizer pellet product that contains the nutrients; phosphorus, magnesium and ammonia.  This process helps protect precious water resources by preventing excess phosphorus from entering our nation’s waterways.



  • Job creation;18-24 month construction phase
  • Majority of major equipment to be purchased will be manufactured in the United States
  • Enhance the facility’s ability to generate renewable energy from biofuel
  • Carbon footprint reduction





Nutrient Harvesting Vendor Information

The links below provide manufacturer information about two nutrient recovery systems. CSWEA does not endorse, verify, or otherwise vet / approve information or accuracy of vendor claims within the manufacturer’s websites.






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To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.

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