Session 1: Watershed

“Evaluating the Phosphorus Adaptive Management Option: Stoughton Utilities’ Experience”
Jane Carlson, P. E., Strand Associates, Inc

“CLEANing the Yahara Chain of Lakes: A Watershed Wide Implementation Plan for Phosphorus Reduction – Part II”
Randy Langer, Strand Associates, Inc.

“Watershed-based Solutions to Phosphorus Compliance in Wisconsin”
James Kleinschmidt, PE, Baxter & Woodman, Inc.


Session 2: Sustainability

Taking a Shot at Energy Independence The Stevens Point Story”
Jeremy Cramer; City of Stevens Point
“Development of a Roadmap Toward Energy Neutrality for Downers Grove Sanitary District”
Amanda Poole, Baxter & Woodman, Inc
“Landfill Gas Turbines: Biogas to Combined Heat and Power to Bio-solids Production”
Kurt Hellerman, CH2M HILL


Session 3: Operations

“Troubleshooting Activated Sludge: Identifying and Mitigating Impacts of Drought Conditions”

Troy Larson, Strand Associates, Inc.

“Identifying and quantifying nitrifiers, phosphorus removers, methanogens, filaments and foamers with DNA”
Trevor Ghylin; University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Not Every Day is a Good Day at a Wastewater Treatment Plant: Effects of Effluent Variability on Compliance with Phosphorus Limits”
Pavel Hajda, Symbiont


Session 4: Nutrient Removal/Sustainability

“Biosolids-derived Biochar as an Adsorbant for Ammonium and Phosphate from Wastewater”
D. Carey, Marquette University
“New Regulations for Phosphorus Compliance – Lessons Learned”
CJ Strain, Blue Water Technologies, Inc.

“A New Tool to Enhance Biological Phosphorus Removal – Mxed Liquor Fermentation”
Steve Arant, Black & Veatch
“When Less is Truly MORE – the Next Generation of MBBR Technology Small Media Biofilm in a Continuous Flow Intermittent Cleaning Mode”
Ken Neu, Environmental/Health Products and Service
“Continuous Sequencing Reactor (CSR) for Biological Nutrient Removal at Roth Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant”
Ayman Shawwa, Ph.D., PE, BCEE, PMP, Schreiber, LLC


Session 5: Digestion

“Enhancing the Energy Cycle: Digestion, Codigestion and Biogas”
Phil Bzdusek, Ph. D., PE and Glen Tranowski, PE, Strand Associates, Inc.
“Bio-P, Digestion and Dewatering: Unexpected Consequences?”
Bill Marten, Donohue & Associates
“Bench-Scale Testing to Examine the Factors Affecting Foaming in Anaerobic Digesters”
Zach Carroll, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Anaerobic Co-digestion Planning and Research for the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District”
J. A. Kusowski, Marquette University
“Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions”
Rusty Schroedel, Brown & Caldwell


Session 6: Operations/Collection System

“Positive Community Connections for Treatment Plants via Youth Apprenticeship Programs: A “Win-Win” for Everyone”
Scott Thompson, NEW Water
“City of St. Cloud’s Dual Forcemain Integrity & Assessment Project”
Patrick Shea & Tracy Hodel, City of St. Cloud and Micheal Livermore, Pure Technologies U.S.
“Wauwatosa Lateral Rehabilitation Pilot Project”
Julie McMullin, Brown & Caldwell
“Overlapping Pumping Stations provide Capacity, Redundancy and Reliability”
Theran Jacobson, AECOM and Al Bush, AECOM
“Going Mobile: Explore Applications in today’s world that have gone mobile”
Joe Finn, Wonderware Midwest


Session 7: Wet Weather

“Comparison of Three Wet Weather Flow Treatment Alternatives to Increase Plant Capacity”
Don Esping, Brown & Cadwell
“Wastewater Design Industrial Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Placon Corporation”
Antonio Garcia, Ben Kultgen and Sally Shumaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Student Design Competition)
“City of Oshkosh – Transforming Existing Processes into Exemplary CMOM Conformance”
Tricia Christensen, CH2M Hill
“CSO Long Term Control Plan Optimization of Grey and Green Infrastructure Options to Meet EPA-Mandated Level of Control”
Jeff Frey, PE, Optimatics


Session 8: Solids/Digestion

“H2S Reduction in Biogas with a Biological Scrubber”
Edward Nevers, PE, Donohue & Associates
“Study of Wastewater Reuse for Northwestern Mutual Life”
Amanda Heller, Milwaukee School of Engineering (Student Paper and Design Competition)
“Technical, Environmental, and Economic Assessment of Sludge Thickening Processes.”
Josh Gable, Centrisys Corp.
“Pretreatment Digester Benefits City WWTP Upgrades”
Jim Smith, PE, Applied Technologies, Inc. and Don Quarford, City of Beaver Dam


Session 9: Sustainability

“Eau Claire, Wisconsin – Sustainable Design”
Amber Marzahl, Donohue & Associates, Inc.
“Integrating Major Components of a New Landfill Gas System – Coordination of Multiple Contracts for Gas Treatment, Pipeline Transmission and Turbine Energy Generation”
Rusty Schroedel, PE, BCEE, Brown & Caldwell
“Columbus Wasterwater Treatment Facility Influent Pump Replacement Yields Energy Saving”
David Arnott PE, Ruekert/Mielke, Inc.
“Meeting Water Reuse Limits in Cold Climates”
Merle Kroeker, PE, Nelson Environmental, Inc.


Session 10: Aeration/Nutrient Removal

“Efficient Design of High Efficiency Blowers: Using Dynamic Modeling to Reduce Costs”
Leon Downing and Eric Lynne, Donohue & Associates
“Not Your Typical Fine Bubble Retrofit – Midwest Cheese Producer Improves Efficiency and Treatment Plant Performance with Aeration System Overhaul”
Jon Butt, Symbiont and Todd Hammond, Grande Cheese
“Floc Structure, Energy Savings, and Nutrient Removal: Doing More with Less Energy and Fewer Tanks”
Leon Downing, Donohue & Associates
“Successful Pilot of MicroC 2000TM as Substrate for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal at ENR WWTP”
Brad Hice, PE, Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc.


Session 11: Nutrient Recovery/Removal

“Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling: Finding value in wastewater”
Menachem Tabanpour, Ph. D., UW/NRU
“Assessing Resource Recovery as a Viable Nutrient Control Alternative”
Sam Jeyanayagam, CH2M HILL (replaced with Jim Fischer, CH2M HILL and Scott Phipps, Hazen & Sawyer)
“Enhancing BNR Fermenter Performance”
Greg Paul, QLF
“Taming Biological Phosphorus Removal Effluent P-Spikes”
Greg Paul, QLF


Session 12: Wet Weather

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To provide a Water Environment Federation (WEF) organization (Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) offering multiple opportunities for the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges.

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